Ev3 Education Software For Mac

Programming with the EV3 Software is done by dragging and dropping icons into a line in order to form commands. The language's graphical interface lets students build simple programs, and then easily and intuitively build on their skills until they are developing complex algorithms.

The software' s data logging feature is a powerful science tool for carrying out experiments. It is easy to collect, view, analyze and manipulate data from sensors and see the data in interactive graphs. Its unique feature, known as graph programming, makes experiments come alive as students can set threshold values for sensors, such as making a sound when a certain temperature is detected by the sensor.

Ev3 Mindstorm Software Education Download

The in-built content editor enables teachers to customize the curriculum and create their own lessons. It enables students to capture their work directly inside the content creating their own digital workbook, making classroom management and assessment easier.

The software comes with the robot educator learning tool that summarizes what the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education software is about. It includes 48 step-by-step multimedia tutorials designed to help educators and students master basic and advanced programming as well as hardware and data logging functions. Just add the core set and you're ready to go!


Ev3 Programming Software

Ev3 Education Software For Mac
  • Using input and output devices and producing a simple set of sequential instructions linking cause and effect
  • Developing and testing a system to monitor and control events
  • Using intuitive prediction tools to get firsthand experience with making hypothesis
  • Using the scientific inquiry process when gathering and analyzing data sets
  • Integrating Math and Science using physical constants, units of measurement, coordinate systems, min, max, mean and linear formulas

EV3 Software and digital distribution with LEON


LEON is an online delivery system that will enable LEGO Education to distribute digital products such as software and teaching materials as online downloads. LEON replace the need for use of physical CD and DVD products. Once your licence registered, download the software product at will, there is no download limit.

In order to use the curriculum materials you need to have the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 software installed. These resources focus on students aged 10-16 with links to national curriculum standards. Includes student-ready resources, full teacher support, assessment tools, sample programs, and building instructions.

The LEGO MINDSTORMS Education (LME) software will not run on your Mac computer if and when you upgrade to Catalina. What Do I Need to Do? If you don’t upgrade your macOS, you can continue using the LME software on your Mac. In November 2019, a fully functional EV3 Scratch application will be available for macOS only. The Mac version of the EV3 Programming Software has the following system requirements: macOS 10.6 (with the latest service pack) or higher Dual core processor 2.0Ghz or better 2GB of RAM or more. Latest Getting Started with EV3 051019 version. Welcome to Getting Started with the Mindstorms EV3 programming software. This Course covers the PC & Mac versions. Note: to show all Lessons, you may want to click the + to expand the Units in the Navigation window at left. Click each Lesson to open the instructions and video for that lesson. Make sure the EV3 brick is on and connected to the Lego Mindstorms EV3 software, if so, hit the Download and Play button to give your program a try. Program 2: Spin the Robot in a Circle For the last program lets spin the EV3 robot on the spot left and then right.